It’s Time to Get Creative!
A Summer of Activity for Children & Young People in the Wakefield District.

Inspiring Wakefield’s Future Creatives
summer s'cool gives children and young people in Wakefield district the opportunity to be inspired and expand their minds through an exciting range of creative learning experiences.
While developing skills, participants will earn digital badges recognised by educators and employers.
Our FREE programmes support younger generations to develop new skills - giving local youth the chance to explore possibilities that could inform their future.
Taking place over the summer holidays, summer s’cool is back for 2024. There’s loads going on this year, find out what’s coming to a location near you.
In the meantime, take a look at what happened in 2023.

summer s’cool 2024 is presented as part of Our Year a year long celebration of culture and creativity for everyone, everywhere in Wakefield district!

summer s'cool is funded through the Cultural Development Fund and developed by a team at Wakefield Council.